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Tag Archives: chocolate

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

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There are few better combos in the world than peanut butter and chocolate. (Please don’t lick your screen, that’s gross.) And since my love of baking compels me to make cupcakes for peoples’ birthdays, I decided to try these out for our friend Ross a couple weeks ago. He’s the lead singer/guitar player of my husband’s band Fullbloods, and he’s a wonderful person to know. We also call him Uncle Ross as we adopted him as Liam’s uncle whether he likes it or not. But we think he likes it.

I love making cupcakes because A. They’re really easy; and 2. They’re unbelievably impressive. Ever since I started making them for people they’ve gone nuts. These look so professional; they’re so delicious; I can’t believe you made these. Yadda…yadda…yadda. Which makes me giggle because out of all the things I love to bake, they’re surely the easiest. But I’ll take the compliments. 😉

For these cupcakes you can use any old chocolate cake recipe (or brownie cupcakes!) and top them with this super awesome fluffy peanut butter frosting recipe. Then add some contrast for decoration. I used chocolate covered peanuts and Hershey’s bars broken in half.

Then place the cupcakes in a box (I get mine at Hobby Lobby for less than $2) and tie a bow around it and everyone will think you’re the coolest person ever.

I made three kinds of cupcakes for my son’s birthday last year: Red velvet with vanilla cream cheese icing, topped with raspberries; a delicious lemon cream; and these fat free angel food. You can see my frosting skills have improved the fourth time around. 😉

I can’t believe his second birthday is coming up so quickly. I definitely need some new cupcake recipes to try out. Leave me a comment if you’ve got one you love!